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 Les différents arcs craftés

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2 participants
Zombie faisandé

Nombre de messages : 22
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2007

Feuille de Perso
Nom: Meldey
Classe: Champion

Les différents arcs craftés Empty
MessageSujet: Les différents arcs craftés   Les différents arcs craftés Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 23:42

• Apprentice

Level 7
Hardened Rowan Bow
Stats: 5.6 dps, 10-15 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 0.5 Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Rowan
Trophy: Dirty Hendroval Talon, Drops off Hendrovals in Ered Luin.

• Journeyman

Level 10
Hardened Ash Bow
Stats: 7.3 dps, 14-21 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 0.5 Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Ash
Trophy: Blackened Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Old Forest.

Level 16
Strong Ash Bow
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 10 Treated Ash
Trophy: Dusky Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the southern barrow downs.

Smooth Ash Bow One use recipe
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.0 Induction
Materials: 12 Treated Ash
Trophy: Wildthorn’s Bark, Drops off Wildthorn in Forlorn Glade in the Old Forest, 34.2S 57.6W.

Polished Ash Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 10.6 dps, 21-30 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.0 Induction, Additional 2 damage to Orc-kind.
Materials: 12 Treated Ash
Trophy: Wildthorn’s Bark, Drops off Wildthorn in Forlorn Glade in the Old Forest, 34.2S 57.6W.

• Expert

Level 21
Stout Yew Bow
Stats: 13.5 dps, 27-38 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 6 Treated Yew
Trophy: Flawed Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Agamuar swamp.

Hardened Yew Bow
Stats: 13.5 dps, 27-41 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 1.3% Induction
Materials: 8 Treated Yew
Trophy: Flawed Hourn Heartwood, Drops off the Hourns in the Agamuar swamp.

Level 27
Runed Yew Bow
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 9 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Scarred Hourn Heartwood, Drops off of Gloomleaf in a glade in the north west corner of Agamuar.

Carved Yew Bow One use recipe
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Darkheart’s Black Heart, Drops off Darheart in the northern center of the Agamuar swamp.

Ornate Yew Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 16.8 dps, 33-47 Ancient Dwarf-make, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Slightly reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Yew, 1 High Grade Steel Ingot
Trophy: Darkheart’s Black Heart, Drops off Darheart in the northern center of the Agamuar swamp.

• Artisan

Level 31
Fine Lebethron Bow
Stats: 19.1 dps, 38-54 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Weaken
Materials: 7 Treated Lebethron
Trophy: Very Sharp Bear Claw, Drops off bears in the trollshaws east of the Bruein Gorges.

Polished Lebethron Bow
Stats: 19.1 dps, 38-54 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 3% Indution
Materials: 7 Treated Lebethron
Trophy: Very Sharp Bear Claw, Drops off bears in the trollshaws east of the Bruein Gorges.

Level 35
Fortified Lebethron Bow
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Weaken
Materials: 10 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Extremely Sharp Cave Claw Talon, Drops off cave claws near the earth-kin camp.

Carved Lebethron Bow One use recipe
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 Beleriand-make damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize, Reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Karnasht’s Tooth, Drops off Karnasht who spawns in the second "cave" in the wolf den of the Troll Shaws.

Ornate Lebethron Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 21.3 dps, 42-60 Beleriand-make damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize, Reduces threat
Materials: 11 Treated Lebethron, 1 Dwarf Iron Ingot
Trophy: Karnasht’s Tooth, Drops off Karnasht who spawns in the second "cave" in the wolf den of the Troll Shaws.

• Master

Level 42
Exquisite Black Ash Bow
Stats: 25.2 dps, 50-71 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize
Materials: 10 Treated Black Ash
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.

Polished Black Ash Bow
Stats: 25.2 dps, 50-71 common damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat during combat
Materials: 12 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.

Level 47
Fortified Black Ash Bow
Stats: 29.6 dps, 58-84 fire damage, +1 crit chance to auto attacks, Demoralize
Materials: 13 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw, Drops off turtles in the Malenhad Swamp.

Carved Black Ash Bow One use recipe
Stats: 28 dps, 55-79 light, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat, 9 common every 5 seconds
Materials: 15 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Hoartusk’s Horn, Drops off Hoartusk a master elite mammoth who wanders the giant halls of the Misty Mountains.

Ornate Black Ash Bow One use recipe critical success
Stats: 29.6 dps, 54-77 light, 3% Ranged Vulnerability, Reduces threat, 12 common every 5 seconds
Materials: 15 Treated Black Ash, 1 Ancient Iron Ingot
Trophy: Hoartusk’s Horn, Drops off Hoartusk a master elite mammoth who wanders the giant halls of the Misty Mountains.
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Zombie faisandé

Nombre de messages : 28
je suis : : Nuidhese
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2007

Les différents arcs craftés Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les différents arcs craftés   Les différents arcs craftés Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 23:52

bon a savoir pour moi ca :p
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